Hook's Revenge Book Review

 Hook’s Revenge Book Review


Tittle                      : Hook’s Revenge (The Pirate Code)

Author                  : Heidi Schulz

Illustrator            : John Hendrix

Publisher             : Disney Hyperion

Year published  : 2015

Pages                    : 339

Price                      : $16.99 US



                Before we jump to the story, let me refresh your memories about peter pan-Cap’t hook-neverland universe.

                Neverland is a place where the resident is growing old, but never growing up. They stuck in their young imagination, filled with the impossible stuff, or people called neverland as a metaphor of eternal childhood.

                What do you think one of pirates job? Yep, they sailing and hunting for treasure. That’s what Jocelyn does. After murder the Neverland’s crocodiles, which is killed her father, she got the key to the Captain hook locked box. There is a map to his vast treasure hoard there. But, the thing is, she need to crack the code first.

                The map is unfortunately not giving her any hint. Even the location and geography that appear in the map is really foreign. After some journey and identification, one of the important hint lay behind the portrait of Captain Hook, that she believe it in the Jolly Roger, his tremendous ship that has been stolen by peter pan.

                Jocelyn know really well peter pan wouldn’t give the Jolly Roger in easy. He is such an annoying and irritating boy. Eventually, she takes the only reasonable course of action: she steals Pan’s new mother (well not a mother in real). A captive that might get her a helpful ransom in fact didn’t seem like that. Evie too willing to become a captive. She really enjoy it and take it as an adventure that makes Jocelyn a bit stress. Worse, the more she know about Evie, the more complicated her journey is. The brave act, unbothered, and even the similar presence turns out to connect them into an unexpected relation.           

                Not just Evie, there is another thing that makes her journey more stressful, Kruger. He is a thirst-of-gold pirate in Neverland. After hearing about Jocelyn’s treasure map, Kruger trying really hard to stole it many times. Kruger’s crew way more experienced and skilled that makes Jocelyn’s crew feel the hardship.

                As a new yet really young captain, Jocelyn try really hard to solve any problem, overcome her fear and lack, and gaining any lesson on every journey she’s been through. After several ups and down, break up and conceal, Jocelyn succeed to become a pirate that she really want to be. Did she get the treasure? What kind of relation she had with Evie? What happened to Krueger? You may find out it by yourself in the book. It such a wonderful adventure.



                From the appearance, as someone who judge a book by the cover, I really like the illustration. Its really beautiful, colorful, and pleasing my eyes. Not just that, there are several illustration inside the book that can help your imagination become more entertaining.

From the story, I really like how Heidi Schulz describe Jocelyn as a 13-years old captain. She didn’t try to make Jocelyn as  a great and amazing captain. She describe Jocelyn as a kid that still has so many things to find out and also makes the story more relevant and appealing to read.

Heidi makes us, the reader, growing up together with Jocelyn. As the story unfolds, Jocelyn get to know about what she really want to do, what she need to do as a captain, and many other great things to help her growing up into something mesmerizing. Also, the way of Heidi write and describe every moment is so detail.

Besides that, there are so many great lesson that readers can take from the story. Hook’s revenge tell me the important relationship with our family, friends, and crew. To become a successful person or leader, family, friends, and crew is a part of our journey that can’t be separated. Even just their presence, it can makes you stronger than ever. Trust them and hold on tight into them, then you can get a courage to be better.

There is my favorite lines from Evie in this book,

“Anything was possible if you first decide what you want, believe you can have it, and don’t let anything stand in your way.”

Such a wonderful saying to whoever lack of confident.



                For me, it’s kinda hard to understand the story if you don’t know the story of peter pan. There are some details related to peter pan story that not explained in this book. So, I recommend you to read or watch peter pan story first before you read this book.


                I really enjoy this book very much. Because it’s a kids book, the conflict is not really complicated. It’s a good book to read while chilling with tea and some crackers. This books bring my childhood memories and revealing my stress a bit. It’s really worth to read.


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