My Goal My Ambition

Who am I in the future?

Since the national examination in 2019 over, on the holiday period, I start thinking about my future. My parents want me to become a doctor and so do I. But, back then, I don't really know why I want to be a doctor. Did I really want to be a doctor or is it just because my parents influence me since I was a kid? At this time, I feel a little bit afraid of my own future. I realize I have a big dream that I want to chase but not sure which way to go or how to chase it. Even I still not sure who I want to be in the future.

I let my thoughts float in my brain and did my daily activities while searching for the answer to my doubt. One day, I saw a video on youtube about foreigners who becomes a volunteer in Indonesia. They help the poor kids and families who live in Bantar Gebang Jakarta. Feels of shame and sad come to my heart. Since there, I know I want to help everybody, especially Indonesian citizens. I want to become someone who can be helpful for others and the answer is to be a doctor.

Feels like my eyes opened then. Besides my biggest dream to be a doctor, I want to become a volunteer too. It seems so fun and warmed my heart to see happiness and joyful from the others and I'm the part of it. I want to become part of UNICEF too so I can help people all around the world.

To chase all of my dreams, I make a rough-life map of mine. Two years from now, I will take the medical school in UGM and graduated as fast as I can. If I have a chance, I want to study at either Oxford or Harvard University to get my master's degree. But, I still need to think about it, either I want to take a master's degree or take a specialist. I decide to think about it if I already in college.

Many people say that I'm a very ambitious person. Well, I'll take it as praise for my hard work. Become a successful person need a lot of hard works and sacrifices also. In high school, I decided to focus on my study and how to increase my potential. I think the high school period is a crucial time for my own future. I want to explore myself more and doing what I never did before. I learn a lot from usual, active in many extracurriculars that can give a positive impact, both for my knowledge and personal traits, and I challenge myself to join the biology olympiad. I never ever join a serious knowledge competition like the olympiad. I hope all of my hard works in high school can be paid off in the future.

Now, It's been a year in high school. I personally proud of my own self because I've been developed so much and brave to take a big step. So far, I already get the prize for my hard work. I get the first rank in class, one of TOP 15 in the biology olympiad, and win the English contest trough Generation Global. Not just in academics, I feel my personality has been mature and better than before.

I still have a long way to learn and process to become someone who I want to be. I still have a lot of lacks too in some parts. No need to rush, I just need a powerful, impactful, and beneficial step to come forward. All of the hard works need to be balanced with prayers because Allah Swt is the one who can help me in every situation. My family and my friends have a big role too for my emotional and mental health. But, me, the one who survive and the one who knows how to live a meaningful life, is the most precious one.

To me, myself, keep your spirit up, surround your self in a positive and supportive environment. When life goes down and everything seems not fair, just look at the one you loved and stay focus on your dreams. Good luck! 


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