Khadijah Book Review

 Khadijah Book Review

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Tittle               : Khadijah, Ketika rahasia mim tersingkap / çöl ve deniz

Author             : Sibel Eraslan

Translator : Ahmad Saefudin, Hyunisa Rahmanadia, Erwin Putra

Penerbit           : Kaysa Media

Tahun terbit     : 2009 (Turki), 2013 (Indonesia)

Pages               : 388 pages

Price                : Rp 65.000,-



    Born in Uskudar, Istanbul, 1967, Sibel Eraslan is an author for magazine and Star Newspaper. She is graduate from faculty of law in Istanbul University and active in social activities, such as defend human rights, woman rights, and education. The top creation from her that become world best seller is four paradise woman series: Fatimah, Khadijah, Asiyah, and Maryam. 

    Those four books tells us about their life story and stuggle. In Khadijah book, we will drown in her life story as the pioneer, the first, and the most memorable woman.


     Born from a well-known family in Mecca, Khadijah grow as an educated, well-manered, and brave woman. From her mother, she inherited a pure and soft soul. From her father, she become a tough woman with good skill in riding horse, calculate, and arithmetic. The harshness of the desest and Mecca for woman, never turn her down. 

    In early age, she married with Abu Hala bin Zuara and get two sons named Halah and Hindun. The married didn't last long because Abu Hala got sick after went to Syam and passed away several moments after. The needs of father figure for Halah and Hindun and to fill her emptiness make her married again with Atik bin Aziz, a famous nobility in those era.

    The first year of their married full of happiness and joy. But Atik was a strong, temperament, and very emotional person. He likes to drink until midgnight and do violence to their servant. He didn’t take care of their child. Although Atik was a very bad husband, Khadijah never fight back. She always stay quiet and treat their children nicely. The bad personality of Atik can harm her children, so she choose to seperate.

    Several years after her last married, she fill every days with work and advance her business. But woman still a woman. There is a desire to be loved. Khadijah wants to married again. For several days, she get a unusual dream every night. Scared and anxious feelings always there when she woke up. Evidently, all the dreams that she had will leads to her last husband, Muhammad.

    The feeling of missing that drown her when Muhammad leads her business enough to prove that she already fall for him. Everything seems so quick. Muhammad propose Khadijah and their married cherished by most of the Mecca resident. The pearl of Mecca and The more-than-good man alive become a family.

    As a wife, khadijah always support, believe, and love Muhammad with all her life. All of his personality that mesmerized her every day make her fall continously. Muhammad who become a guardian for her, for her children, for the displaced people, for all the girls, and every creature makes her realize that he is the one. Their love feels so pure, deep, but full of courtesy. Every struggle that Muhammad had, Khadijah always there and vice versa.

    Until the end of her life, Khadijah always stay besides Muhammad. Altough all of her wealth is gone to support Muhammad, she never regret it. Khadijah always had a faith that her Husband bring the truth for this world and he is the last prophet that Allah Swt sent. For her sacrifices, noble character, and pure soul, Khadijah labelled as a woman of paradise with Fatimah binti Muhammad, Asiyah, and Maryam binti Imran.


    I really love how Sibel Eraslan write the story with all the details. Her writings make me feels like I was there between Khadijah and Muhammad. Every dialogue and narration can warm my heart. In fact, in several chapter, I cry like a baby while reading the book. When Khadijah or Muhammad feel happy, I feel relieved. But the pain, sorrow, and hardness that carried by both of them makes my heart sick. I fall in the story too much.


    Unfortunately, maybe because this is a translated-book, several words makes me confuse and didn't feel right. Also, there are so many hard to understand poem in every chapter. Narration that full of metaphor makes it hard to understand too so I feel so sleepy in some chapter. But I think this is her uniqueness in writing or this is how Turkish novel is so it doesn't matter.


    "Khadijah" still a worth to buy book. If you craving the history of Muhammad wife, this is the right book to read. A good personality of Khadijah portrayed well in this book. You will mesmerized by her self. I'll give 9/10 for this book!

Check out my book review video here!


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