Corona Viruses


I . Chapter one
1. Characteristics of viruses
Corona virus or we can call it as Covid-19 is a new virus that appears in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province. The pathogen has been identified as a novel enveloped RNA betacoronavirus that has currently been named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which has a phylogenetic similarity to SARS-CoV. Covid-19 is the name for the disease caused by the virus, while SARS-CoV-2 is the name for the virus. It is same as HIV/AIDS.
The virus can spread fastly through human contact. So we can conclude that Covid-19 is a contagious disease. This virus will irritate your respiratory system and caused cough as a common symptoms. All of the symptoms will appears after 2 weeks incubation period.
Based on scientific test, Covid-19 can’t stand in a long time in a compound that contain Hydrogen peroxide, ethanol, or Sodium hypochlorite.

2. Virus form & Structure

Covid-19 has the same shape as the HIV virus. It is in a ball shape with envelope (its protect the virus) and glycoprotein outside and single strain RNA inside.

3. How the virus cycle life is

4. Propagation of the virus
As we know before, Covid-19 is a contagious disease. The virus will spread easily by
Direct contact with infected patients
Droplets during the patients coughing or sneezing
Contact with patient’s tools then directly touching the nose, mouth, or eyes.

5. Virus classification
SARS-CoV-2 is closely related to the original SARS-CoV.  It is thought to have a zoonotic origin. Genetic analysis has revealed that the coronavirus genetically clusters with the genus Betacoronavirus, in subgenus Sarbecovirus (lineage B) together with two bat-derived strains. It is 96% identical at the whole genome level to other bat coronavirus samples (BatCov RaTG13). In February 2020, Chinese researchers found that there is only one amino acid difference in certain genome sequences between the viruses found in pangolins and those from humans, implying that pangolins may have been an intermediate host.

6. Disease caused by the viruses
Shortness of breathe

II. Chapter two
1. Background epidemic corona viruses
As we know from many articles said that this disease start its transmission in December 2019. But, the new information has been revealed. On 17 November 2019, a 55 years old could be the first person who get contacted with coronavirus in Hubei. The doctor can’t confirm now is it the ‘patient zero’ or not.
The disease already spread fastly around Wuhan city. On 27 December 2019, there is around 180 people had been infected. At that time, the doctor still not aware about it. Until the last day of 2019, 266 people infected and this number keep rising until the first day of 2020, 381 people infected. At first, the doctor already collect the data and said that there is a new disease by an unknown coronavirus. But they can’t do nothing. They could not confirm their findings because they were bogged down by bureaucracy, such as having to get approval from the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, which could take days. They were also ordered not to disclose any information about the new disease to the public.
As late as January 11, Wuhan’s health authorities were still claiming there were just 41 confirmed cases.
Now, the virus still spread to one country to another country. Based on the newest information today, 17 March 2020, 162  countries already infected.

2. Symptoms of being infected by corona virus
Fever : 87,9%
Dry cough : 67,7%
Fatigue : 38.1%
Shortness of breath : 18.6%
Muscle or joint pain : 14.8%
Sore throat : 13,9%
Headache : 13.6%
Vomiting : 5.0%
Diarrhea : 3.7%

3. How corona virus spread
Direct contact with infected patients
Droplets during the patients coughing or sneezing
Contact with patient’s tools then directly touching the nose, mouth, or eyes.

4. Prevention of corona virus outbreaks
Wash your hand frequently
Avoid a self contact with anyone, especially with someone with cold or flu symptoms
Cover nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow
Eat healthy foods
Clean your environment frequently
Thoroughly cook meat and egg

5. How to handle it
If you see someone or you feel the Covid-19 symptoms, the first thing you need to do is DON’T BE PANIC! Keep a positive vibes on your mind and keep doing the healthy life. You can check your condition to hospital or clinic that can help you. The doctor will take some test on your body and you will rest in isolation room. If the result is negative, you can go home but keep aware of anyone. If the result is positive, you don’t need to be worry and don’t be stressed. A healthy mind will give your body a positive vibes so you can recover in a quick. Trust that the doctor will help you to recover.

III. Chapter three
How to respond wisely when there is stigma in community about the corona virus?
When there is someone make a stigma about corona virus we need to respond it as kind as we can. The first thing is, we need to know what kind of stigma that their made.
First case is they underestimate coronavirus. Maybe these people didn’t much know about coronavirus, so we need to educate them well until they realize that coronavirus is something that we need to prevent. Tell them about corona symptoms, impact for their health, and how to handle it.
Second case is they lookdown to the coronavirus victims. In this case, we need to tell them that corona is pandemic disease and someone with low level immune can easily attached to the virus. We can’t judge someone illness. All of the tragedy is governed by The God.

IV. Chapter four
1. Maintain personal hygiene
Wash your hand frequently
Avoid a self contact with anyone, especially with someone with cold or flu symptoms
Cover nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow
Eat healthy foods

2. Keep the environment clean
don’t forget to clean your house, especially the room that you always use. For example your bedroom, toilet, or livingroom.

3. How to maintain a healthy life
Eat healthy food
Thoroughly cook all food
Do exercise like sport
Keep positive vibes around you
Don’t be stress!
Always smile and be happy!

4. Safe and healthy exercise
In this condition, we need to keep our body health and fresh. For example, consume healthy food and sport. But can we do exercise in this condition? Of course you can! You can do the exercise inside your house. Don’t go outside!
There so many exercise in youtube or other social media that you can follow in your house. It can be yoga, Zumba, stretching, or something else.

V. Chapter five
How to socializing corona virus?
In this era, we can use technology to spread awareness about coronavirus. Today, people more often use their phone other than read the news in paper or watch tv. There is Instagram, youtube, twitter, or any platform that we can use. People now days trust internet more than the actual news in paper. So these platform very very useful  to socializing coronavirus.
We can make something unique and beautiful, so people will interest at our product. it can be infograph, video, etc. Make it as good as you can. But don’t just look to the design, look to the material too. It has to be factual, concise, and complete. Don’t forget to use persuasive sentence!


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