The Escape Stories


So this is the last day before I'm back to reality
How was your holiday?
Great? Full of adventure? or you're just lying down on your bed?
Now I'm gonna tell you about my holiday

This year I and my family didn't go anywhere during the Holiday because we didn't have any plans and my father was very busy with his work. So I just stayed at my home and waited for my friend called me to go.

Before the holiday came, I had a lot of plans to do. Such as I'm going to gain weight and height in this holiday, more exercising, trying new recipes, learning how to drive a car, making some resume and many more. But in the end, those all plans are just WORDS ON MY BRAIN. In reality, I just did 20% of all those plans. Or maybe less? hehehe 

I'm making a percentage of my activity during this holiday

Yep, I just did those activities. Repeat it every day. Waw I just realized it how lazy I am.. sorry mom

If you guys asking why I'm spent 50% lying down because I need extra rest after the final exam several weeks before the holiday and some supply for the next battlefield (read: next semester). That final exam was my first final exam in Senior High School and I felt like I'm gonna die because of those hectic and extream studies. Call me exaggerated but that's what I felt those times.

I slept at midnight and woke up after the sun already up in the sky. Don't judge me, I took subuh prayer and then sleep again. In the afternoon I'm chilling on the sofa, scrolling through the twitter and so on. That's how I spent my holiday (mostly).

Besides that lazy side, I have a 25% study on my percentage. After the final score out, fortunately, I got the first rank. But I felt my score not good enough. I felt very worried about my score. I had so many thoughts about SNMPTN, can I be able to go to the university that I want with this score? How to improve my score? What if I cant improve my score? And so many worrying thoughts.
"Worrying too much doesn't solve anything" 
-that's my brain say. 
So I decided to learn a little bit and made some summary on the holiday. Well, not all subjects. I just made a biology summary because biology had so many lessons that I must read and I will be overwhelmed if I taking a lesson about biology later and I don't want to ruin my holiday.

"Study is a must, but being happy is important"
-my brain said. 

At first, I want to make a summary from all the chapter but in the end, I can't. When it reached the last chapter I feel a little bit lazy because it had 100 pages! Like Oh My God, that's crazy! At least I made the summary for 30 pages.... 70 pages more hehe. Well, I'm a little bit regret not to be able to finish it. But yea that's okay.... (trying to calm my self alone)

Fun fact!
I like to study in peace, calm, and cold situation. So I rather study at night. When all the people already sleep. It's about 9 p.m. This is for the holiday situation okay. When it turns to the ordinary day, I'll start at 5 p.m. Study in the day is good too. When it's calm and cold I can study anywhere. But if I need to choose, I like the night the most. Well, it's not good for our health but coziness is important!

Not only study. I also think about next semester. I try to fix my fault in the last semester. Try to find the best way to solve the problem and try to apply it later. I make some strategies so that I can study well and get a high score but also feel happy and have much time to play or refreshing. I'm gonna push myself in a good and smooth way. See a new and better of me in the next semester!

-22 Jump Street

With those sentences, you know what that means right?
Yepp I play a lot!
I cloud spent a lot of time, sittin' still on my chair while played a laptop. If I fail in one stage I will repeat it until winning or until I feel bored. I'm not that girl who maniac to the games, but I enjoy it very well. I still know my boundaries while playing a game. Fallin' in love with the games doesn't last long to me. I'm the type of easily bored guy. If the games are not interested anymore I will delete it immediately.

FYI I have several games on my laptop and I love candy crush, spider and brain out so much. This holiday I'm doing really good in a game. For example, I already complete all the levels in the spider games. Amazing right? Well this can be because I'm a pro player, or I got addicted so much, or I don't have any other job so I just playing and playing (read: gabut).

Besides playing games, I like to watch movies. There are the top three movies and variety shows that I watched while I'm on my holiday.

First Ready or Not
The genre is Thriller, mistery and a slice of comedy. The movie tells about Grace as a newlywed who becomes hunted by her spouse's family as part of their wedding night ritual. In the wedding night ritual, the family members and the newlywed will play a game randomly. Grace needs to stay alive until sunrise if she wants to be accepted by the family members. Well, the game is not that simple. You better watch this movie and feel the tension.

Second Interstellar
This is a science fiction movie that I like. Well, you need to think a lot when you watch this movie to understand every scene. The movie tells about a group of astronauts who travel through a wormhole near Saturn in search of a new home for humanity. If you like NASA or astronomy thingy, you must watch this movie!

Third Running Man
The last and my favorite one. This is not a movie. This is a tv series about a bunch of comedians who plays so many missions to get something. This is a stress killer for me. I can laugh so bad while I'm watching this tv show. It's such a very good show to watch on the weekend.

From all these holiday stories maybe some of you might think "waw this is a horrible holiday" "what a boring holiday" because I spent most of the time at my home. Well, I'm going outside too! Although it's only 4 times, I feel happy.

I'm going to Paskal to buy some clothes as a reward for me (I guess?) with my mother. Shopping with mom is one of the best things in my life. I could share so many stories with my mom, ate delicious food, bought a cute thing, and the important thing is it was all free! I can save my money if I go with my mom. This is why I prefer to go outside with my family more than my friends.

Before the holidays come, I had a plan to watch some movies at the cinema. Finally, I watch 2 movies. One with my friends and one with my brother. These the movie that I watch

 Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini
This is a very good movie! Seriously! This movie tells about families' problems and brotherhood. I cry many times in the cinema because of this movie. The story is too realistic and very close to our life. I can feel the emotion of the actors. This is a really good movie to watch with family. There's so many moral values that we can learn. Go watch it in the cinema!!

Jumanji (the next level)
This is the second chapter from Jumanji (welcome to the jungle). This movie tells about Spencer and his friends who trapped in video games. They have to clear the mission with so many struggles there. If they heart exhausted, so they can't back to their life and die. Like literally die. There are so many jokes in this movie. I love it!

Do you guys know what a group of girls likes to do when it comes to holiday? Yep! Fulfill Instagram Thumbnail. I and my girls go to several places in Bandung to take a picture. We have so much fun while going outside. My girls are my junior high school friends. So there's so much story that we can share if we gather together. They really know how to make my mood up. I want to show you a little about the result.

The last day before I go back to school, my family decide to go eat outside. We are go-to Ambrogio Patisserie. This is a very rare moment. Actually, we never go outside. I always go outside with my mother only. So I feel very happy when we having dinner together. We talk much, eat good food, and so on. I can play with my brother if we having time together. I hope we have so many memories together in the future.

This is the ending page. Thank you so much for reading all my journeys while the holiday that didn't interesting so much. Wherever it is, whenever it takes, I always love my holiday and soooo grateful that I still can have some days to rest. Once again Thank you so much! Good Bye!


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