HOPE 2020

giving and equipping for a better life

     The child is a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority. They have the right to get an education, good environment and play. But what if some of them can't get the rights? Can they mad because they didn't get the rights? Unfortunately, they can't. Who? Who is that? They are children who get exploitation. 

What is child exploitation?
Child exploitation refers to the use of children for someone else’s advantage, gratification or profit
often resulting in unjust, cruel and harmful treatment of the child. These activities are to the detriment
of the child’s physical or mental health, education, moral or social-emotional development. It covers
situations of manipulation, misuse, abuse, victimization, oppression or ill-treatment.
Child exploitation including child slavery, labor, and trafficking. The worst part of child exploitation is they can be a sex slave, especially for girls. Based on ILO (International Labor Organization) data, there are 152 Milion children who become labor.

Child labor
70,9% agriculture
17,1% service
11,9% industri

Why they can be labor or slave?
1. They are poor
2. Lack of education
3. Necessary for their survival
4. Broken family
5. Runaway child

What are they do?
1. Work in a dangerous place
2. Can be a sex slave
3. Take part in armed conflicts
4. Forced prostitution or pornography, forced begging, petty crime, and the drug trade

Why we need to stop it?
1. It hinders their education and development.
2. A child has a right to be free in their young age
3. There must be a high risk for their health.

To know more info about child labor and slavery, please kindly check this video!

How to stop child exploitation?
HOPE 2020!

What is HOPE 2020?
HOPE 2020 is a humanity and charity event to STOP child exploitation and an event to give HOPE for a better life for children. This Event created by youth organization based on Indonesia.

With HOPE 2020 we will go to 5 cities in different states who get a really high total for child labor and slavery.
1. Paraguay (1-5 January 2020)

2. Congo (1-5 February 2020)

3. Senegal (1-5 March 2020)

4. Bangladesh (1-5 April 2020)

5. India (1-5 Mei 2020)

We have 3 main events for HOPE 2020
1. Donation
    We open the donation for everyone. The donation can be money, clothes, books, or anything that the children can use.
2. Merchandise
    We have some merchandise of HOPE 2020. There are clothes, book, tumbler, bracelet, case, and many more.
    HOPE ACTION is the most important one in this event. We start HOPE ACTION in every state that we come over. In HOPE ACTION, we have 5 main programs that are divided into one program one day.

Day 1: Prevention
On the first day, take a look at the situation. Catch someone who employs these children and isolates the workplace.

Day 2: Deliverance
Go to the main place that every child labor and slavery work on. And then, we get a conversation with them and trying to get out them from that place.

Day 3: Health Check.
As we know, not every workplace that the children work on is safe and clean. Most of them are dirty, dangerous, and unhealthy for their bodies. So we open a FREE medical check for all children. It's open from 7 am until 4 pm.

Day 4: Education
Education is the most important thing for them. With education, they can develop their own life so they didn't have to be a labor or slave anymore. We will teach them basic-basic education, such as how to read, basic mathematics, science, and any others. Besides that, we will build a small library so every child could read many books.

Day 5: This is me!
This is me is the last program for our event. It's including games, soft skill training, and self-love and recovery. The last day is a kind of free day for all the children. They can refresh their mine with a laugh and playing games with us. There is a soft skill training such as sewing, drawing, painting, and any other stuff that can develop their creativity. And the very last of the last is self-love and recovery. Not all the children labor or slave have the same story. They have their own experience, feeling or maybe trauma regarding to the exploitation. In this session, all of the children could tell their own feeling to us. They can cry, mad, happy, or anything to express their feeling. And for those who have serious trauma (for example children who become a sex slave), they will get a special care from us. We will taking care of them until they get recover. We hope from this session, they know that they are not alone, they are worth to live here and they have bright future.

1. Chairman
2. Vice chairman
3. 2 Treasurer
4. 2 secretary
5. Event division
6. Creative Teams
7. Public Relations divison
8. Documentation division
9. Design division
10. Doctors
11. Teachers
12. Volunteer

HOPE 2020 have 5 goals to reach
1. Freedom
2. Future
3. Education
4. Health
5. Recovery


HOPE 2020 in collaboration with 3 big organization in the world
1. WHO (World Health Organization)
3. ILO (Internation Labour Organization)

WHO      = 1 milion $
UNICEF = 1 milion $
ILO         = 1 milion $
Donation = 10.000 $
Total        = 3.010.000$

all of the budgets are needed for
1. Transportation
2. Medical supplies
3. Books
4. Food & Drink
5. Facilities
6. Any other accommodation

We are searching for more committee. If you are interested to join our humanity event, please kindly contact us! Open registration 1 August 2019 - 14 August 2019 

Children are one-third of our population and all of our future.”
  — Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1981

1. What is child exploitation?
2. Why is it important to stop child exploitation?
3. Why all these children want to be exploited meanwhile they know it is bad?
4. From the 5 main programs, what is your favorite and why?
5. If your country has a high level of child exploitation and slavery, what would you do?


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