Edupassion 2020 : Daryaskara

Edupassion is an annual event held by OSIS SMA Negeri 3 Bandung in order to promote universities. This event held every year so that all of the students from 10th, 11th and 12th grade can decide their future. Besides the students from SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, all of the students from other schools can come too. The title for Edupassion this year is DARYASKARA.

Around 30 universities joined this event. All of the universities opened a stand in the yard and along the corridors. Our school looked so crowded because there were so many people there. It was impossible for someone to visit just one stand. They must be visited 3 or maybe until 5 universities stands. As a gift for the students, there were several stands who sold merchandise or even gave it free. Every stand had several alumni who could give us information about their university. With their almameter jacket pride, they looked so amazing and cool that made us so jealous.

Besides promotions in the stands, there was a presentation from each major in the class. Not all of the majors in universities made a presentation. Just the popular one. For example FK Unpad, FK UGM, STEI ITB, etc. All the alumni would explain about the major. Start with the learning system, extracurriculars that we could join, UKT each semester, and many more.

To help all the students got into the university that they want, an educational course is a must. Although the education course won't probably ensure 100% to get into the university that we want, those institutions have a big role to increase our score. Around 10 educational courses participated in this event, like Villa Merah, Edulab, SSC, and many more. They promoted their facilities, learning method, and anything to influence the students.

Edupassion is not just about universities and educational course exhibition. There is also another event like talkshow, sharing experience, and performances from some extracurriculars. Those events held in SMA Negeri 3 and 5's yard. The theme for talk show this year was about all information that we would need for SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and UTBK. The speaker for the sharing experience session was 3'2004 and 3'2018. All parents had been invited to this event, so if they came, they would understand anything about how to get into universities. To prevent the participants from getting bored, there were some performances from extracurriculars. Such as KPA and LSR.

While strolling around the event, the feeling of hungry and thirsty would probably come. But, we didn't have to be worry because there were so many food and drink tenants that would serve our stomachs. It felt like heaven If you visited the food and drink stands. All the delicious foods served so well. But, there was something different for the payment system. You needed to switch your money to some vouchers if you wanted to make the transaction. But we had to be careful while switching our money. Make sure the amount of money that we wanted to switch will be useful and also fully used because you couldn't switch it again to money if it had already changed to a voucher.

Overall, Edupassion 2020 was very useful for all the students. They could get new knowledge and some of them maybe could've chosen the right universities for them. This event opened their eyes that the future must be prepared from now. With a high standard of target, we would've studied hard to get it. Hope this event will be continued for the next years.


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