Super Model In A Cat Costume


     Serval (Leptailurus serval) or we can call Tierboskat is a kind of cat that lives in South Africa. Serval DNA connected with African Gold Cat and Caracal, so serval has a similar body with two of them. But Serval has some unique characteristics that another cat doesn't have. Data say that serval is the master of hunting. The range of serval hunting success is above 50%.


   This is serval classification

Kingdom   : Animalia
Filum        : Chordata
Class         : Mammalia
Ordo         : Carnivora
Famili       : Felidae
Subfamili : Felinae
Genus       : Leptailurus (Severtzov, 1858)
Spesies      : L. serval

     Serval is like a supermodel with a leopard coat. Its body is really proportional. Serval has a medium body, long neck, small head, long legs, and wide ears. Its long legs and wide ears provide the distinction between a serval and any other types of cat. Serval has long legs because it has metatarsus bones. Its legs length can reach 59-92 cm. Besides the leg, serval has wide ears that make them look so adorable. Their ears can move until 180° and used as a radar to identify prey or predator. Although serval has a medium body, their body length can stretch from 80-100 cm. For female serval they can reach 7-12kg, while male serval can reach 9-18kg in weight. Serval has a beautiful coat with typically long and whitish on the underparts and yellowish to reddish-brown above, liberally marked with black spots and stripes. These black spots and stripes are like a human fingerprint, its uses for serval natural identity.

      Actually, serval is an individual animal. They will be in a group for just a mating period. There are no specific times when serval will mating but usually, they will mate in autumn season. When serval already mates with their couple, the male serval will leave and the female serval will be a single parent if she is pregnant. The gestation period is 66-77 days. Serval can give birth 2 until 4 litters and always giving birth in a safe place, like in a hole or bushes. The baby serval birth with 250g in weight and they are blind. They can see in day 9 until day 13. This is the cycle life of serval!
1 Month = They eat solid food
5 Month = The end of breast milk
6 Month = The permanent teeth grow and they start to hunting
12 Month = The baby serval leave its mother
12-25 Month = sexual maturity
If they live in the jungle or wild nature, they can survive until ± 10 years and if they live in captivity or cared for by humans, they can survive until ± 20 years.


     The main habitat of serval is in South Africa, in Savana. Serval always needs water in their life, so they will live near the stream or river, or any place that there's water. They can't stay long in a desert or dry environment. Several serval can be found in the mountain or at an altitude of 3000 meters. 
List of African countries where servals occur (IUCIN 2018):
North Africa         : Sudan, Morocco
West Africa           : Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau,                                          Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo
Central Africa       : Angola, Cameron, Central African Republic,  Chad, Congo, DR Congo, Gabon
East Africa            : Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda,                                                Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Southern Africa    : Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland


     Serval is a nocturnal animals so they searching for food in the night. They like to eat insects or any animals that smaller than them (example mouse). 90% of their prays are animals with a weight under 200g. But they will eat animals that bigger than them in a forced situation (example deer, gazel, and springbok). Sometimes serval likes to eat birds too. Serval has a unique way to catch their prey. They will jump until 3.6 meters and then landing appropriately above their prey and finally kill them quickly. Not only that, serval has a unique way to clean their pray too. For example, if they want to eat a bird, they will throw the bird to the air and then bite its neck or head, and shake it right-left-right-left until the feathers are gone. 

     Actually, Serval can climb a tree and swimming but very rarely to look. In the night, when they searching for food, they can walk for 3 until 4 km. In fact, Serval is one animal that can run very fastly. The first rank is Cheetah for 69 -75mil/hour and followed by serval for 45-50 mil/hour. Like the other kind of cat, serval can snore, sniffing, meowing, hissing and growling. There's a uniqeu habit of serval. They usually mark their territory with their pee.

     There's a different kind of serval. It's called albino serval or white serval. The usual serval coat is brown to yellowish, but for the albino, their coat is white. Until now, only four albinoes can be bred. The albino serval doesn't live in wild nature, they live in captivity. The first albino was born in one of Canada's Captivity in the 1990s. The second and third albinos born in the same place, Cat Rescue Big Easy Street in 1997. It's has name called Konga and Tonga. The fourth albino born called Pharaoh in 1999. In 2004 one of the albino serval, Kongo dies because of their bed and hay.

     We can take care of serval in our home but it doesn't cheap. You need to prepare everything for one serval. Such as food (They eat meat every day), bed, a playroom that designed like nature, vaccination, and of course our attention. We can buy serval for 200 million until one billion rupiahs. Amazing right? You really have to be a crazy rich person to taking care of them. If you want to buy serval, there must be some rules or steps that you need to do because it was directly imported from Africa. It's really worth it if you buy a serval. They can be so cute and very spoiled with us if we already close. So how? Interested in taking care of one of them?

Serval in the show!

1. From the text above, Serval has metatarsus bones. What is that?
2. If a human has a fingerprint for natural identity, what is serval natural identity?
3. Can you explain how serval life cycles in the first year?
4. How serval catch their prey?
5. What makes the usual serval looks different from the albino serval? 


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